The project «Volunteering versus Violence» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme Europe for Citizens

The project «Volunteering versus Violence» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme Europe for Citizens

Applicable to Strand 1 – European Rememberance

5 events have been carried out within this project:
Event 1
Participation: The event involved 11 citizens, including
2 participants from the city of Barcelona (Spain),
2 participants from the city of Poznan (Poland),
2 participants from the city of Rome (Italy),
4 participants from the city of Athens (Greece),
1 participant from the city of Kastrosikea, (Greece).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Athens, Greece, from 07/05/2018 to 11/05/2018
Short description: This first activity of the “Volunteering vs Violence” project, it was the coordination (Kick off) meeting. The main aim was to discuss and take the final decisions concerning the implementation of the project. The participants were 2 members of each partner plus some active members and members of the SCI-Hellas Board who were motivated to support the implementation of the activities.

Event 2
Participation: The event involved 30 citizens, including
1 participant from the city of Chalkis (Greece)
1 participant from the city of Kastrosikea, (Greece)
1 participant from the city of Iraklion, (Greece)
1 participant from the city of Barcelona, (Spain)
1 participant from the city of Tiranna, (Albania)
2 participants from the city of Durrece, (Albania)
1 participant from the city of Krakow, (Poland)
1 participant from the city of Helsinki, (Finland)
1 participant from the city of Poznan, (Poland)
1 participant from the city of Stesza, (Poland)
1 participant from the city of Turku, (Finland)
18 participants from the city of Rome, (Italy)
Location / Dates: The event took place in Rome, Italy, from 26/08/2018 to 03/09/2018
Short description: IVS volunteers as Peace Builders/Peace messengers (1945-1990) in Rome focused on the history of peace-building and peace promotion through antifascism as an opposition to the most important ideology and political practice of violence in post-war Europe.

Event 3
Participation: The event involved 27 citizens, including
1participant from the city of Mem Martins (Portugal),
1 participant from the city of Helsinki (Finland),
1 participant from the city of Burrel (Albania),
1 participant from the city of Korce (Albania),
1 participant from the city of Vlore (Albania),
1 participant from the city of Bucovice (Czech Republic),
1 participant from the city of Slavkov u Bruna (Czech Republic),
1 participant from the city of Tisnov (Czech republic),
1 participant from the city of Lublin (Poland),
1 participant from the city of Kastrosekia (Greece),
1 participant from the city of Madrid (Spain), and
16 participants from the city of Barcelona (Spain).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Barcelona, Spain, from 06/09/2018 to 14/09/2018
Short description: The study camp focused on how SCI was responding to international conflicts in the early twentieth century and especially SCI's involvement as a volunteer organisation in the Spanish Civil War.


Event 4
Participation: The event involved 35 citizens, including
2 participants from the city of Skanederborg (Denmark),
1 participant from the city of Athens (Greece)
1 participant from the city of Kastrosikia (Greece),
1 participant from the city of Sankt Valentin (Austria),
1 participant from the city of Reggio Emilia (Italy),
2 participants from the city of Barcelona (Spain),
1 participant from the city of Malaga (Spain),
2 participants from the city of Novi Sad (Serbia),
1 participant from the city of N. Tarnovo (Bulgaria),
1 participant from the city of Prilep (FYROM),
1 participant from the city of Ridam (Netherlands),
1 participant from the city of Edinburgh (UK),
1 participant from the city of Espinhon (Portugal),
1 participant from the city of Gjakove (Kosovo),
1 participant from the city of Furstenwalde (Germany),
1 participant from the city of Warsaw (Poland),
1 participant from the city of Kraków (Poland),
1 participant from the city of Pniewy (Poland),
14 participant from the city of Poznań (Poland),
Location / Dates: The event took place in Poznan, Poland, from 27/12/2018 to 04/01/2019
Short description: The participants focused on the changes in the international volunteering service (IVS)
movement after the fall of the wall and the creation of new borders. They studied the impact of volunteering actions on building dialog/new links/peace cooperation/ between Western and Eastern Europe. In addition, the beginning of Polish branch and its development from 90’ties to nowadays.

Event 5
Participation: The event involved 30 citizens, including
2 participants from the city of Poznan, (Poland),
1 participant from the city of Nagłowice (Poland),
1 participant from the city of Krakow (Poland),
1 participant from the city of Steszan (Poland),
1 participant from the city of Barcelona (Spain),
1 participant from the city of Les Escavles (Spain),
1 participant from the city of Marebela (Spain),
1 participant from the city of V. Tarnavo (Bulgaria),
1 participant from the city of Edinburgh (UK),
1 participants from the city of Ljubljana (Slovenia),
1 participants from the city of Helsinki (Finland),
2 participants from the city of Novi Sad (Serbia),
1 participants from the city of Prilep (FUROM),
1 participants from the city of Coibra (Portugal),
1 participant from the city of Rome (Italy)
1 participants from the city of Kastrosikia (Greece)
12 participants from the city of Athens (Greece)

Location / Dates: The event took place in Athens, Greece, from 17/03/2019 to 20/03/2019
Short description: In the Final Conference participants refreshed their historic knowledge of IVS and SCI and went on to discuss IVS wholly and focus on the evolution of the international voluntary service and the concept of volunteering involved. The IVS volunteer as Peace Messenger was in the core of the discussion along with the history of peace-building and peace promotion during the international conflicts of the early twentieth century versus antifascism and the political practice of violence in the areas of concern. Moreover, the present of the concept and practice of volunteering was discussed in terms of the Eu funding and procedures. The participants also had the chance to watch the theatrical performance of the volunteer theatrical group Coexistence is Possible, where young people with an immigrant/refugee background staged their stories of (non) inclusion in the Greek society in an interactive and exciting manner.
Day 2: Participants tried to answer the question whether IVS constitutes a movement and focused on the concept of volunteering in the future as well as the changes of the IVS perception in the setting of the EU. They also shared their personal experiences and the extent of the influence volunteering has had on their lives as citizens, individuals or else.

For more information on the project you can visit the following links.

Website of the “Volunteering verus Violence”;
Video of the project “Volunteering versus Violence”;
Information on the project «Volunteering versus Violence»





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